I'm having trouble believing this isn't satire. Is it really such a revelation to have cereal for breakfast? Do people in NYC really spend 10 bucks to avoid a 20min walk?
J - His accent is not kiwi. The big giveaways are how he says catch and big. Someone from New Zealand would pronounce them more like 'ketch' and 'beug'. This video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zs_rXxi0zhM is what a kiwi accent sounds like.
They're pretty common in my part of Melbourne. I know one bloke who was bitten on the chest by a huntsman when he was eight years old. When he was asleep. The biting woke him up.
If people out there are anything like some people I know, it is stealing, because as soon as they find an unsecured access point they would go nuts on usenet, bittorrent, porn etc.
What happens if the people 'borrowing' your wifi blow your cap? You either get metered or with one ISP in Autralia, you infamously get charged thousands of dollars. Then there is definitely an impact on someone else.
Sorry if this didn't make sense it's late.
The point I'm trying to make is you can't rely on some people to fairly use you bandwith. Some people are too selfish.
If people out there are anything like some people I know, it is stealing, because as soon as they find an unsecured access point they would go nuts on usenet, bittorrent, porn etc.
What happens if the people 'borrowing' your wifi blow your cap? You either get metered or with one ISP in Autralia, you infamously get charged thousands of dollars. Then there is definitely an impact on someone else.
It's not a great idea to shut off the engine of a car all the time. The crankshaft is supported by a journal bearing, which relies on a thin layer of lubricant to support it. When you start the engine, there is no lubricant and momentarily there is metal on metal contact. When engineers design the crankshaft and bearings, they allow a certain amount of wear based on how often they expect the engine to be started. So they'll specify 10 000 starts over the life of the car or whatever.
Starting and shutting your engine all the time will reduce the lifespan of it.
Seriously tho, being laid up in a hospital for X # of weeks/months... I can't believe she hasn't picked up a book and read for a few hours. Or Wiki'd WW2. Or watched a damn movie. Just astonished, is all.
I'm surprised she didn't learn anything about it in school? Thought the two world wars would've been an important part of modern Belgium history
ddrt: 'I will warn you that if you just don’t like the tone, beats, sound of ethnic music you really wont like hip hop in general, however that would make you a typical bigot.'
Are you serious? So if I don't like classical music does that make me bigoted against white Europeans? What a stupid statement.
What kind of a crappy article doesn't include a link to the actual index. And D Bozko, no one needs the US to bail them out of anything. Fix up your own problems before you meddle with other countries. (How's Detroit looking huh?)
They're pretty common in my part of Melbourne. I know one bloke who was bitten on the chest by a huntsman when he was eight years old. When he was asleep. The biting woke him up.
What happens if the people 'borrowing' your wifi blow your cap? You either get metered or with one ISP in Autralia, you infamously get charged thousands of dollars. Then there is definitely an impact on someone else.
Sorry if this didn't make sense it's late.
The point I'm trying to make is you can't rely on some people to fairly use you bandwith. Some people are too selfish.
What happens if the people 'borrowing' your wifi blow your cap? You either get metered or with one ISP in Autralia, you infamously get charged thousands of dollars. Then there is definitely an impact on someone else.
Sorry if this didn't make sense it's late.
This is not the case with most cars.
Starting and shutting your engine all the time will reduce the lifespan of it.
I'm surprised she didn't learn anything about it in school? Thought the two world wars would've been an important part of modern Belgium history
'I will warn you that if you just don’t like the tone, beats, sound of ethnic music you really wont like hip hop in general, however that would make you a typical bigot.'
Are you serious? So if I don't like classical music does that make me bigoted against white Europeans? What a stupid statement.
And D Bozko, no one needs the US to bail them out of anything. Fix up your own problems before you meddle with other countries. (How's Detroit looking huh?)