FYI, the Taney is berthed at a pier in Baltimore and is open to tourists. It is the last surviving ship that was present at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
Actually, the lyrics to the Star Trek theme are used -- sort of -- in the opening credits to the original series. If you listen carefully, that's what the howling voice is singing, or at least the vowels are. This is clearest at the end of the theme ("remember remember me").
Sotto Voce is the relaxed flip-side of my freelance writing business. I'm a typecaster, part of a small group of people who blog on typewriters and post the scanned pages. Whatever happens to catch my fancy looks a lot more interesting (or crazy) when it's written about on a typewriter...
Likewise, the full name of Santa Fe, NM, is "La Villa Real de la Santa Fe de San Francisco de Asís," which translates as "the Royal City of the Holy Faith of Saint Francis of Assisi!"
Interesting trivia: Ben Dova was the stage name of Joseph Spah, who was a passenger on the Hindenburg on its last voyage in May 1937. Spah's acrobatic skills saved his life in the disaster, for as the zeppelin caught fire and began to crash, Spah leaped out a passenger window, caught a landing line, and shimmied down. He had to let go because the line was too short, and in falling the last few feet he badly injured his ankle. But he survived, recovered, and continued performing for several decades.
I missed the one with the Orson Welles voice. Darn!! Must... rent... old... movies...