Poor spellor's Comments

Why would you need to break explosive rocks? C'mon mon!
It appears to be a door bell for the deaf...with that thought in your heads you can figure out how it works and why it didn't get far...
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Appears to be a one-way valve, used to halt the reversal of a liquid while being pumped upward. Scale is unimportant as this would work for any industrial use. The heart valve mentioned by many commentors may have been designed on such a valve but through modification would be the same.
Donate my shirt to Haitii!
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It's nice to see they are trying to find something to help our fighting men and women.Since each unit will most likely cost millions of dokkars I'm sure they will work out the kinks the other commenters pointed out.
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While I find this an interesting discuction, I feel it is a case of lowered standards and/or expectations. People who use "like" or "ya know" sound stupid and if we don't correct them then we are promoting stupidity. personal email with spelling and grammatical errors need not be corrected and sent back with corrections,but maybe a note about the spell check feature in the future will make things easier for some people to tolerate the foibles of human kind. And kep up the discussion; I found some pearls in some of the postings,but the intenional use of "like" was tiresome after the second posting. And could I request people drop "literally" in conversation? Often It makes no sense as in "I literally crapped my pants when she said that." Sure you did...
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  • Member Since 2012/08/04



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