brent 5's Comments

Town of Amityville NY perhaps should open it up for daily/weekly visits for tourism financially speaking... & would be a great idea for those interested in being at least capable of viewing this long time "infamous" house/story. As was done for Elvis and Graceland. Suggestion anyways...!
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I dream of one day winning the Canadian lottery just once, so I could move and purchase it & as well as the "movie" house they made movies #1-3 of also in Toms River NJ (18 Brooks Rd which I find to be more scary/frightning in appearance when movies were made, would have left it all "original". One day would like to build my "dream" home exactly as the movie house was although mine built in a log home three stories high. Would be great to afford this "first" one though! Plan on visiting them both someday in a future u.s.a road trip to come. Looking forward to it, perhaps on "halloween" Eve would be an idea... lol!
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