Ok, with that over with. It is my belief, and keep in mind this is just my opinion. But I have 3 theories. 1. Think back to high school. Remember when the girls were talking like "valley girls"? In other words they were preppy.. Well, I think they were trying to change thier personality to that so much, they actually forgot how to sound/write intelligently. 2. They really didn't pay attention in school, and therefore really DON'T know how to write, but are intelligent people. OR, 3. They're stupid and, all hope is lost..
But seriously... It isn't such a big deal. I know, it's annoying to try to read something you can't make out. But really, is it such a big deal? Like Evra said, and I could not have said it better was, Ya'll need to chill out and enjoy life more. :) :)
Ok, with that over with. It is my belief, and keep in mind this is just my opinion. But I have 3 theories. 1. Think back to high school. Remember when the girls were talking like "valley girls"? In other words they were preppy.. Well, I think they were trying to change thier personality to that so much, they actually forgot how to sound/write intelligently. 2. They really didn't pay attention in school, and therefore really DON'T know how to write, but are intelligent people. OR, 3. They're stupid and, all hope is lost..
But seriously... It isn't such a big deal. I know, it's annoying to try to read something you can't make out. But really, is it such a big deal? Like Evra said, and I could not have said it better was, Ya'll need to chill out and enjoy life more. :) :)