Lookas 1's Comments

It's a strong crisis things will go better, but we have to modify our lifestyle, it's time to understand that we can't keep growing forever. 1/10 of world population has been living using 9/10 the planets resouces, this can't last forever
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"Milanese meat" it's an tyipycal Italian dish since last time i checked Milan was in italy not in Argentina

(How it's called the strange mania that make you be picky when somebody talks about Italian food? I guess it's called being italian, sorry :)
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Ha ha. We use to go in the same school in Reggio Calabria, Italy. His father was hired in the local basketball team the Viola baskball. I remenber we use to play basketball together. All of us against him and he always win! that's why he learn to play soccer
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