She was lost in Thailand. She was from Malaysia. She spoke Maylay. The Thai people thought she was speaking the Mon hill tribe language. She was not Thai.
The idea of The legion of the superpets is so amazingly stupid that people might think you were making it up. I love that you end the post with, "I swear to god." This was either people not caring about their jobs or boardroom commitee decisions.
I just saw these in my local fish store. In Fort Lee NJ. They had a few with fairly poor tattoos. It's not right to subject a pet to unnecessary pain. Real fish markings are so beautiful, why do this?
I wish the main page did not have info about who sponsored it. There is a series keys that can make youy display appear sideways or upside down. A guy at work showed me and it was fun messing with peoples display when they went to get a cup of coffee. Hee Hee. It was alt+arrow or alt+ something else +arrow. I can't get my home computer to do it, does anyone know how it's done?
We have created an impossible situation in Iraq. If we leave there will be chaos and if we stay we will have continuing murder and bombings and abuses. The news that a bomb has exploded in a public place or that some innocent people have been kidnapped is an everyday occurrence. We need to hand over reconstruction of Iraq to someone who is not hated by the Iraqi insurgence and does not hate the US. I don't know if there is such an entity. The UN acts too slowly to adapt. Turkey? France? Saudi Arabia? Egypt? If we just leave, it will be worse than when we left Viet Nam. The expense of trying to maintain some semblance of order is incredible. If we were to send in a massive number of troops, we might be able to restore some order. But can we raise the troops? We could also break up the country along ethnic lines to try and stop some of the violence, but the people who would then control the oil rich areas would have an imbalanced share of the nations wealth.
I zoomed in on the bricks but I did not see anything. I am doubtful that this is authentic but it would be nice if it was. I like to believe the world is unknowable, however people are somewhat predictable.
I love that you end the post with, "I swear to god." This was either people not caring about their jobs or boardroom commitee decisions.
I was just wondering what a photoshop of all the rules being broken at once would look like. I love your description. Hee hee!
The Simpsons has great moments and meh moments, but I have high hopes for the quality of the writing in the movie.
Woo Hoo!