Nicole B's Comments

The mom probably will not kill them when they are that big, but I can speak from experience that they DO kill newborns if they think they are in danger (kinda backwards, but that's how they roll, I guess).

What's more likely to happen is the mother will abandon them and the nest. They might be old enough to survive, but the odds will be against them.
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I do believe the internet is in part to blame. But I also believe that people are reverting to more childlike behavior in this society. Why? I don't know. Maybe its because this is a society that promotes selfishness. But I have seen the utter lack of respect for our fellow human beings not just in internet forums, but in real life.

I worked in retail when I was in college. The whole working to put myself through school story. I was often so appalled at how I was treated. People were often just plain rude, and they treated me like I was inferior to them, stupid, or a second-class citizen because I was behind the counter. I have even heard comments from people that made reference that they believed I was a nothing because I didn't have a "real" job.

I tried to comfort myself in the fact that I soon would have a "real" job, but what about all the people who work these jobs for their whole lives? We need people to be in these jobs to make this country work, but yet they are treated with such disrespect, like they're good for nothing. But what if all the coffee shop workers, waiters and grocery baggers just left? A lot of people wouldn't like it.

And its kinda goes full circle. Someone is treated badly by a stranger, coworker or friend, and then they in turn treat others that way, if only to vent their anger and frustration.

Seeing this kind of behavior in everyday life, and then on TV makes people believe that this is acceptable behavior. It really needs to stop.
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WOW. Its like crazy cat lady who carried pictures of her cats in her wallet and whips them out constantly to tell you about the funny thing they did this morning meets twitter. People say that twitter is self indulgent and self centered. Now I believe them.
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I don't even know where to start! That poor animal. Its like those people out in Hollywood who have cosmetic procedures done on their pets to make them more attractive. It's a living creature, not your fashion accessory. If that's what you wanted, buy a purse.
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