-H's Comments

@Hublub: no one is contesting the legitimacy of her action. It's plain stupid to think that just about ANYthing can be solved by parading people in handcuffs. "Eat your potatoes or 2 days of solitary confinement?"
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Thai people get HIV, and so do monkeys. Why do you think Africa and SE-asia are hotbeds for pharmaceutical experiments? For 50$s, people volunteer for experiments that American volunteers would charge 500$ for. It's simple business sense.

It is an ethical violation only if the volunteers do not know the full effects of the experiments. Heard of Tuskegee experiments? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuskegee_syphilis_experiment)

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@EDB: They already have HIV; the experiment was to see how many contracted AIDS.

The real question is, why are they using Thai people for an american study?
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@whysharksmatter: I was wondering how you concluded that the risk of a shark-attack is "incredibly low". Went to your website and your analysis goes thus:

"In an average year, over 650,000 Americans die as a result of heart disease, giving me a 1 in 5 chance of dying of heart disease in my lifetime. In an average year, over 550,000 Americans die from cancer, giving me a 1 in 7 chance of dying from cancer in my lifetime. In an average year, over 40,000 Americans die in car accidents, giving me a 1 in 84 chance of dying in a car accident in my lifetime. In an average year, 1 American dies from a shark attack, giving me a 1 in 3,748,067 chance of dying from a shark attack in my lifetime."

Do you see the leap of logic here? How many of these americans a) had a heart b) were immune to cancer c) drove a car?

Now, how many Americans actually spend a significant amount of time in shark-infested waters?

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Jess, in Quantum mechanics, the "type" of bracket has a special significance. What seems redundant in regular algebra is essential in QM.
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a) It IS illegal to sell your child precisely because you do not "own" your children.
b) Whatever la-la-land you live in, the same rules of child traffic and ownership do not apply to India.

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Alex, what is there to be repulsed about; these people are the finest examples of hard-work, honesty and a life of achievement. I resent your choice of words here, even if they were well meant to begin with.

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