Hrothgar's Comments

It is Chaucer's Zippo.

Possibly a flint and steel set. Flint and tinder go in the pouch. To start a fire place tinder on wood. strike flint along the curved edge of the iron piece. This will create the soarks to start a fire.
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We are hearing about him for the same reason we are hearing Sarah Palin and her novel or about the pressing fear that Obama may lose reelection in 2012 because somebody in Virgina voted Republican.

Slow news day -- 24 hours of news coverage. The talking heads cannot just go away until something happens. They have to find something to report and do it fast (facts be damned) before the other networks find something else more sexy to report.
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A Møøse once bit my sister...
No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse
with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"...
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This is highly unscientific, but it has been my experience that(with rare exceptions) people who call themselves "Rick" have a personality that rhymes with their name.
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Its a McGonnagle ball Honer, model 1 (or 2) Subsequent models came in steam or electric power. They were used to sharpen the edges of golf ball dimples. This enables the ball to not only fly farther, but have more traction (or bite) when it hits the green. Unfortunately, if the ball has any backspin, that can actually reverse the ball's direction and cause it to retreat off the green. Honed balls were known to actually injure innocent bystanders. Such was the case at the XXI Haggis Open at the "Auld Course" in Bloodknock. A honed ball actually struck the Laird of McWillie. It took a team of surgeons several hours to remove the embedded ball from under his sporran. As a result, most golf courses have outlawed its use.
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Click on the author's name and you will discover that: "PATRICK BERNAUW is a full time Flemish writer of historical mysteries, faction and fiction, supernatural stories and fantasy novels."

This must have been a piece of his "faction" writing.
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You guys must have had a lot of inflatable turkeys to unload.
I never would have bought one for myself. But it is kinda cool and the SPAM-like tin is pretty funny.

The big question seems to be:
Is it worth Nine bucks?
Archie McPhee in Seattle retails it for $11.95, and I got quite a laugh from the whole idea. The can looks great in the pantry.
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Men are more likely to fall out of trees, off cliffs, and roofs. They are probably more likely to get electrocuted in, around, under or on top of the house too.

Men are also more likely to have as their last words: "Hold my beer and watch this!"

Its a guy thing.
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I bow to your superior intellect and reasoning. You are right--the man is a pioneer. I cannot wait to see how all humaity will benefit from his monumental discoveries in hydraulucs and gravity.
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