matt 76's Comments

The biggest problem is not the government. The biggest problem is humanities dependance on fossif fuels. No mater how you try to twist this reality eventually you must come to realize that it (oil) is a finite resource (along with the very expensive metals in catalytic converters). We humans can choose to blow our fossil fuel wad now, and suffer the consequences later, or manage our resources a little better.

As for corn not being food: Ask Italians about polenta, Brazilians about angu, in, the Romanians about mămăligă, Southerners about grits or Africans about sadza, nshima, ugali or mealie pap. And oh yeah, and don't forget about Mexicans or all Central Americans. And if you are from Southern Ontario you could ask them about all the corn they have been eating this summer. And how exactly "it'll even things out" as food gets more expensive you are going to have to explain more clearly.

In fact, America's obeseity epidemic can be linked to corn consumption in the form of high fructose corn syrup.
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Isn't the amount of fuel consumed now enough that if conversion to biofuel on a significant scale happened, that huge amounts of land currently being used to grow food would be converted to these fuel crops? Aren't we already seeing this result in the use of corn for ethanol?
Doesn't it seem that a reduction in consumption is the only solution until a truly viable option is found?
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medals per capita is pretty accurate.
What would be interesting to see is the % of GDP (or other appropriate measure of national wealth) spent per medal in relation to investment in national olympic programs. (does that make sense?)
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What get's you so defensive about anti smoking campaigns? The fact that you feel silly for having succumbed to peer pressure and advertising? Or thinkling about how much money you gave to big tabacco? Or is it the sad reaslization that you weren't all that cool when you were smoking? Are you ashamed that you were a junkie?
Frankly, I don't care how you feel. Have your solidarity. Have yer smokes. Just keep 'em out of my face and try putting the freaking buts in the garbage.
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From one bald man to the rest who live with combovers, rugs, plugs, wonder drugs.
You are not fooling anybody
The comb over just looks silly.
Concede to the recede.
The only respectable option for the bald man is to keep whatever is left nice and short.
Have a little self respect you bald men!
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