Some back of the envelope calculations: 600 years, maybe 22 years per generation = ~27 generations. 2^27 = ~134 million.
So, assuming little to no inbreeding, I am theoretically the direct descendant of 134 million persons living in the early 15th century. Wikipedia lists a population estimate in 1400-1500 around the neighborhood of 450 million. So maybe 1 in 4 persons could be related to Vlad?
With royalty being involved, the inbreeding assumption goes out the window, but it is still obvious to me that anyone of European lineage has a decent chance of being related to Vlad.
600 years, maybe 22 years per generation = ~27 generations.
2^27 = ~134 million.
So, assuming little to no inbreeding, I am theoretically the direct descendant of 134 million persons living in the early 15th century. Wikipedia lists a population estimate in 1400-1500 around the neighborhood of 450 million. So maybe 1 in 4 persons could be related to Vlad?
With royalty being involved, the inbreeding assumption goes out the window, but it is still obvious to me that anyone of European lineage has a decent chance of being related to Vlad.