It is the "Triple Threat(tm)" three-ball golf tee with optional hand grip so you can point the pointy parts in someone's face to give them a really good close up idea of how pointy pointy those sharp pointy parts are.
The real parasites are BABIES! Donald Jungerman should start a campaign about the parasitic babies of this country. Babies just sit around doing nothing all day and when they get hungry they cry and demand to be fed. They don't do anything for themselves! These babies need to man up like Jungerman and start working and earning their keep!
The Wall Streeters and K Streeters are pretty parasitic, too.
The colonists became middle-aged slackers and moved into their moms' basements and spent all their time playing the popular, for the time, "Pilgrims and Indians" role playing game.
"Oh no! It was Rocket Science" XL
The Wall Streeters and K Streeters are pretty parasitic, too.