Bravo Bill! If only many other genres followed his example: Many TV shows, books, movie series, video game series (along with comics and cartoons) could have been so much the more cherished if they had quit when the going was great
I agree with most of the posters here: PJ's anywhere outside of the house is just laziness. It should be discouraged. If it was another public place it would be wrong: Office, School, Post office, Court, Bar/Pub
Hmm. I live in Melbourne, Australia and haven't seen a huntsman spider in years. (checked ceiling, just in case, then knocked on wood) They're not really as common as your article makes it sound. It's not like we see them all the time, especially one THAT big. In fact the one in this video would be the biggest I've seen: ever. Yikes. They're usually about the size of an adult's palm (leg span) which still kinda scary size, but much easier to get rid of
no no no. Apart from the connections our brain makes through performing the simple act of writing what we hear (also doodling while we are listening) I feel that if there is a failure in the world's electricity supply/energy supply etc., then those that can only record digitally, typing, will be the illiterate ones. This may be a survivalist point of view but also one that is relevant in a world that forgets to charge it's batteries. I love my Iphone but it's just a lump in my pocket when it runs dry. Is it worth the wasted energy in booting a computer, when a quick scribble says: "be home at 5. love you" ?
Wider, yes! Text same size! Pictures are fine: bigger if you like (don't see a problem with that)
Maybe social media buttons can be a selection box like the comments? If people don't like them their version of Neatorama won't show them?
Brows by Tags? I only use these now and again: maybe as a drop down? good for helping search for your classics. As are the Date. As are the categories. Maybe compact them? or have them contract until needed?
What about filling the right hand column once all the ads and official stuff have finished? it's kinda blank over there =====>
what about Top articles?
I like your current configuration, (text on the left, ads and important stuff on the right, header at the top) but maybe Mr Piraro or somebody cool could do you a mascot for the header? Maybe the Neatoramanaut can make a permanent home?
What about being able to set a preference of "just the headlines", "Whole article", or "Complete article and comments" for quick browsing? Maybe the articles from "just the headlines" could drop down from a click on that headline? This would also help the people with slow download speeds to just download the stuff they feel they want to load? (Maybe symbols in the header's postmark could indicate whether the post has photos/videos?)
This is just a vague suggestion but: how about the site remembering the last time we dropped by? so maybe if we want we can get an idea of just the new stuff since we were here last? kind of a personal RSS? our computer keeps a record of our last visit, maybe you click on a button at the top and it culls everything but the stuff you haven't seen yet? That idea might need some ironing, but would be kinda useful, and people don't have to use it if they don't like it. I know some people don't like sites placing junk on their computers but as I said maybe it could be a choice to do it or not.
I love this site and come to it all the time; at least once a day. It is simple to use and read, and any additions or changes you make need to streamline that process in positive ways. Maybe just go with minor cosmetic changes like colours, logos and design elements, and just add more choice and functionality. But don't force stuff on people so they can carry on enjoying the site the way they used to while others can utilize new things (like some of the suggestions above) as they see fit.
Regardless: keep up the good work with entertaining us all, I'm sure the redesign will be great!
It's "LEGO" or "LEGO bricks": Not "Legos" Never "Legos" "Legos" is like saying "Heinzs" or "Kleenexs" or "Sonys" or "Apples" It's incorrect to say "have you seen my Sonys?" just as it is with "Let me show you my Legos"
(feels like cheating to me, esp. since your site LINKS to that page)
Gay now.
Sorry Belarus, If they're gay now, they were gay before. Unlike the boogeyman, just because you can't see them, doesn't mean they aren't there.
The characters are fantastic.
Love the troll in the comment box
Many TV shows, books, movie series, video game series (along with comics and cartoons) could have been so much the more cherished if they had quit when the going was great
If it was another public place it would be wrong:
Office, School, Post office, Court, Bar/Pub
PJ's are for bedtime not for walkin' around time
They're not really as common as your article makes it sound.
It's not like we see them all the time, especially one THAT big. In fact the one in this video would be the biggest I've seen: ever. Yikes.
They're usually about the size of an adult's palm (leg span) which still kinda scary size, but much easier to get rid of
Is it worth the wasted energy in booting a computer, when a quick scribble says: "be home at 5. love you"
Text same size!
Pictures are fine: bigger if you like (don't see a problem with that)
Maybe social media buttons can be a selection box like the comments? If people don't like them their version of Neatorama won't show them?
Brows by Tags? I only use these now and again: maybe as a drop down? good for helping search for your classics. As are the Date. As are the categories. Maybe compact them? or have them contract until needed?
What about filling the right hand column once all the ads and official stuff have finished? it's kinda blank over there =====>
what about Top articles?
I like your current configuration, (text on the left, ads and important stuff on the right, header at the top) but maybe Mr Piraro or somebody cool could do you a mascot for the header? Maybe the Neatoramanaut can make a permanent home?
What about being able to set a preference of "just the headlines", "Whole article", or "Complete article and comments" for quick browsing?
Maybe the articles from "just the headlines" could drop down from a click on that headline?
This would also help the people with slow download speeds to just download the stuff they feel they want to load? (Maybe symbols in the header's postmark could indicate whether the post has photos/videos?)
This is just a vague suggestion but: how about the site remembering the last time we dropped by? so maybe if we want we can get an idea of just the new stuff since we were here last? kind of a personal RSS? our computer keeps a record of our last visit, maybe you click on a button at the top and it culls everything but the stuff you haven't seen yet?
That idea might need some ironing, but would be kinda useful, and people don't have to use it if they don't like it. I know some people don't like sites placing junk on their computers but as I said maybe it could be a choice to do it or not.
I love this site and come to it all the time; at least once a day. It is simple to use and read, and any additions or changes you make need to streamline that process in positive ways. Maybe just go with minor cosmetic changes like colours, logos and design elements, and just add more choice and functionality. But don't force stuff on people so they can carry on enjoying the site the way they used to while others can utilize new things (like some of the suggestions above) as they see fit.
Regardless: keep up the good work with entertaining us all, I'm sure the redesign will be great!
Never "Legos"
"Legos" is like saying "Heinzs" or "Kleenexs" or "Sonys" or "Apples"
It's incorrect to say "have you seen my Sonys?" just as it is with "Let me show you my Legos"