abbot's Comments

As someone who has plenty of experience with street art & stencils, this looks very much like a Photoshopped photo design rather than an actual stencil on the side of a building.
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NO. He's NOT being held up and there's nothing cruel going on. What looks like a string is an illusion caused by the angle of the camera to the leash behind him. It's attached to the chair and he's leaning away from it to stay up. Jump to 1:30 in the video. He seems pretty happy there at the end.
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"Cute, but why are they hipsters?"

Because anyone who doesn't drink drip Folgers is a hipster. duh!

These days it seems like if anyone involves themselves in creative activities or dresses themselves in cloths that didn't come from the shopping mall, they're labeled as a hipster. It wouldn't be a problem if that name didn't draw so much scorn.
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Here's the photographers whole book his flickr photo set.

BTW, this is not the same as EDC (everyday carry). EDC is the principal of having a functional, rugged & minimal assortment of tools/gear that serves common tasks and emergency situations. This photo set is bag dumps, but much of it is obviously stuff that people don't actually carry daily, but items that these cool folks choose to have in their photograph because their items define who they are. Lame. It's a contrived photo shoot, not as much about documenting essential items they'd have on them if stopped while walking down the street.

The blog is EDC. This book is not.
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FYI. Visiting that website automatically installed some pretty nasty 'fake antivirus/hard disk error' software on my work computer. This is the stuff that I remove from people's computers at work all day, so I normally know how to avoid it. I took no action to install anything other than clicking the link in the above article.
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You can't make it rain at the strip club with coins! You might hurt someone, and they wouldn't stay in a stack under a g-string strap very well. What do you do in Canada? Tip $5 for a dance? That's expensive! I know you don't just put a loonie in her tip jar.
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"Obviously, the poster has never known anyone who has attended a rave in the middle of bum-frickin-nowhere."

Right. Weekend camp-out raves on private country land are the easiest way to throw a big party with the least amount of hassle from party-poopers.

This rig makes nothing but sense.
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This is hardly a unique experiment and is actually pretty common. When you buy raw denim you want to wash it as little as possible, though most people soak their jeans in soapy water every once in a while.

The indigo dye is not set into the denim so if you wash often in a washing machine your jeans will be nearly white in a short time. The whole point is wearing them unwashed and letting the jeans crease and wear naturally, so there will be light lines and fading on creased areas and areas that are agitated more, resulting in a pattern that is unique to each pair of jean and each person. If you frequently sit cross legged, one knee & thigh may wear more than the other. If you carry your phone in the same pocket all the time, you'll have a lightened outline of your phone on the front of your jeans.

This is much more unique and real looking than the factory distressed jeans that are common on the market. Also Mr. Awesome, raw denim is normally very stiff when new and gets more soft over time as you break it in. I've been wearing my jeans nearly daily for about 8 months and have done 1 soak and they don't smell. If someone has bad hygiene or wears funky underwear that's their problem.

This is an example of what I'm talking about with some raw Levis.

And another random pic.

Compared to a factory distressed pair like this.
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