Ted's Comments

I am wholeheartedly against tobacco, but I saw nothing against this line. Rather, I took it as a little ironic. If it was serious, then he's s fool, but a fool is still entitled to his opinion.
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You didn't warn us about the bagpipes, dammit! The girl at the end looks like the girl in Mary Poppins.

I thought this was a clip for Goldfinger for a moment.
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Yeah, but would you really need one of those in your house right beside your kitchen constantly? I think I'd put the holodeck beside the kitchen - close to the snacks - and maybe the medical bed in its own room. I think you'd want a little bit of privacy for your healing process.
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I enjoyed the classic optimism that things could be fixed, or a solution could be found. When they started breaking with that tradition, it lost a piece of its vision.

Time travel episodes where the past is altered and then not fixed. The Xindi destroying a large chunk of Florida with a weapon given to them by time travellers was pessimistic.

Romulan time travellers destroying the planet Vulcan, just so the movie could break with the past - painfully pessimistic, especially considering Into Darkness was a mediocre parallel of Wrath of Khan.

They need their optimism back.
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They reminded me more of a particular South Park episode, where the men resorted to drastic measures to smoke medicinal marijuana.
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