The range of variations between the different original language manuscripts is not as large as it would seem at first. Many of the differences have no more consequence than the dotting of an "i" or the crossing of a "t" in English. Other differences are copying errors that have no more impact than using "an" instead of "a" in English. Other differences are caused by using synonyms, where the effect on the meaning is slight if it has an effect at all. There is no denying that there are differences which go beyond those listed above. However, there is not a single doctrine ever mentioned in the passages in question which cannot be as well or better established from other verses of Scripture. Every doctrine established in the King James Version can be just as well established from the New American Standard or the New International Version.
using "an" instead of "a" in English. Other differences are caused by using synonyms, where the effect on the meaning is slight if it has an effect at all.
There is no denying that there are differences which go beyond those listed above. However, there is not a single doctrine ever mentioned in the passages in question which cannot be as well or better established from other verses of Scripture. Every doctrine established in the King James Version can be just as well established from the New American Standard or the New International Version.