RetroK's Comments
Aaaaand another woo-post at Neatorama. Have a useful link instead:
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@ hobbes3:
Many parasites have crazy reproductive cycles like this. I recently read "Parasite Rex" by Carl Zimmer where he describes many strange parasitic species and their big and often underestimated influence on many ecosystems - quite an interesting book!
Many parasites have crazy reproductive cycles like this. I recently read "Parasite Rex" by Carl Zimmer where he describes many strange parasitic species and their big and often underestimated influence on many ecosystems - quite an interesting book!
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I doesn't only work in your mouth but on your skin, too. A few years back I had the flu and wanted to take a bath with mint oil in the water to breathe a little easier. Only I put too much oil in and after a minute I thought I was freezing even though the water was hot. I had to take a few showers to get the oil off and stop shaking from the percieved "cold".
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"In summary, Professor Kelly's colleague says:
'Our press release was simply trying to highlight the risks of casual sex. We did not make the claim that social networking sites are causing the rise in the incidence of syphilis.'"
Also: Nice slut-shaming going on in the Telegraph article.
'Our press release was simply trying to highlight the risks of casual sex. We did not make the claim that social networking sites are causing the rise in the incidence of syphilis.'"
Also: Nice slut-shaming going on in the Telegraph article.
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Believing in/accepting Woo undermines critical thinking and can have dire consequences, from losing money to dead albinos in Africa (
We do not need fairy tales; the real world is fascinating enough!