Sounds a lot like a story I heard back when working at comp-USA in Arizona... I remember hearing stories of a similar heist into the locked laptop room. via an impromptu roof entrance.
Could it be that people who finish college are used to being ignored and not cared about? I am a dog owner and have a college degree. . . I would never want something that just takes the food I feed it, shits in a box in my house, then ignores me to top it all off.
I always like the chauffeur rule. If one player calls shotgun another eligible shotgun player may call chauffeur in order to force both he and the shotgun caller into the back seat leaving shotgun open for another. This rule is awesome when there is only 3 passengers because the front seat remains open making it appear as though the driver is a chauffeur.
WOW. . . at first I didn't like it but something about it keeps drawing me back into it. About the 3rd time I have listened to it, which is amazing, considering the first time I did not even finish it.
"I have the feeling this is the future of our school music programs" - I have not a single problem with this if it happened. This guy just showed you more skill & Technique than any normal kid learns in the music program for the first 2-4 years.
Can I haz rollercoasterz now?