babalouie's Comments
Fireflicker, could you please tell me when the United States started using kilograms and litres as units of measurements? Or were you just being stupid?
Yeah, I thought so.
Yeah, I thought so.
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@ Gail Pink: Holy crap, thanks for making it impossible for me to get to sleep at night for the next month after putting that scary thought out there! I have not been that scared since I walked out of Scary Movie 4!!
"Imagine if it were against the law to NOT celebrate Christmas? Scarier than you even think." I can't even comprehend the scarierness of it all. Could you please elucidate? I would especially like to know how that could happen and just what, exactly, you think the powers of the President (or VP, as I'm sure this comment was aimed at SP) are?
Honestly, the fear-mongering that has gone on during this election, especially from the left, is astounding in it's lack of intelligence.
"Imagine if it were against the law to NOT celebrate Christmas? Scarier than you even think." I can't even comprehend the scarierness of it all. Could you please elucidate? I would especially like to know how that could happen and just what, exactly, you think the powers of the President (or VP, as I'm sure this comment was aimed at SP) are?
Honestly, the fear-mongering that has gone on during this election, especially from the left, is astounding in it's lack of intelligence.
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What is your point? Who is George Will and why should we care about what he has to say about anything?
For every anti-McCain piece you find, I can find an anti-Obama one.
What is your point? Who is George Will and why should we care about what he has to say about anything?
For every anti-McCain piece you find, I can find an anti-Obama one.
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What a huge waste of money.
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Neatoramawontsendmeapassword, no you didn't have to point that out, and doing so still didn't make what you said have any point at all.
It's easy to make things black and white that-- paint everyone that doesn't take the fear mongering that the media feeds us at 100% face value as wasteful idiots that have no regard for anyone or anything but themselves. It is possible to care about what happens to the environment and still not buy the global warming dogma.
The problem with what you said above is that either you don't know the meaning of the word "console" or you don't understand what it means to not believe something (or both). From Webster's Online: "to alleviate the grief, sense of loss, or trouble of : comfort ". Disbelievers are just that-- they don't believe, so they don't feel guilt and need no consolation. Do athiests find ways to console themselves about not believeing in God? No. They don't think they are turning their back on anything real. Same with those that don't believe in global warming. Now, that doesn't excuse the extreme and wasteful behaviors of some, but to lump all of those that are not in the global warming bandwagon is not fair or accurate. But, hey, if painting all of them as absolutely brainless idiots is the way you console yourself after finding out that those who disagree with you are intelligent people, then be my guest.
It's easy to make things black and white that-- paint everyone that doesn't take the fear mongering that the media feeds us at 100% face value as wasteful idiots that have no regard for anyone or anything but themselves. It is possible to care about what happens to the environment and still not buy the global warming dogma.
The problem with what you said above is that either you don't know the meaning of the word "console" or you don't understand what it means to not believe something (or both). From Webster's Online: "to alleviate the grief, sense of loss, or trouble of : comfort ". Disbelievers are just that-- they don't believe, so they don't feel guilt and need no consolation. Do athiests find ways to console themselves about not believeing in God? No. They don't think they are turning their back on anything real. Same with those that don't believe in global warming. Now, that doesn't excuse the extreme and wasteful behaviors of some, but to lump all of those that are not in the global warming bandwagon is not fair or accurate. But, hey, if painting all of them as absolutely brainless idiots is the way you console yourself after finding out that those who disagree with you are intelligent people, then be my guest.
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Did that monkey scratch his butt and smell it before falling off the tree? 'Cause I think I saw that before.
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Few of the quotes spoke to the actual issues enough for this "tool" to be useful. The quotes are just the rhetoric that all politicians say to get elected. They make big promises that they know they cannot make good on and then blame their opponents in Congress for their lack of progress. Both sides do it.
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Cool. McCain by a landslide.
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No you aren't the only one to notice the redundancy in the title, but judging from the tone of the whole notice, don't you think that just maybe that redundancy was intentional? Just sayin'...
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This guy doesn't know what he's talking about. Wanting to get away from foreign oil has nothing to do with wanting to lower oil/gas prices.
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Darwin? That's freaking Chewbacca.
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Don't touch it, you FOOL!
Don't touch it, you FOOL!
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And, uh, who would enforce this ban on religion? God?