Wow, just read the article and Target seems to be more proactive towards the LGBT community than a lot of places. They just don't want their taxes through the roof. Is that so bad? I think the LGBT community should get a big fat brow beating for not publicly correcting MoveOn in their knee jerk reaction.
Clarification needed: The robots were from Germany and cost $65,000 when the dollar was so strong. the last robots we bought from the same company was around $90,000 in 2008. The reality of it is robots are cheap.
My degree is in Robotics and when I landed my first automation job there were 12 people working on 5 assembly lines. As new lines were added, they were added with robots and automation built in. Between new lines, I added automation and robots to the older lines. When I left the company, there were 11 lines and 9 people per shift.
The robots cost $65,000 and replacing one person per shift per day payed for themselves in less than 9 months. But don't feel bad for the people they replaced. The company just didn't replace the people who got themselves fired. Manufacturing in the USA will not survive without robots.
James, What you do is drop to your knees and thank (insert higher being of choice here) that you have not been subjected to these little monsters. After doing their 'sliding' thing it took more than two days to rid myself of the taste.
The robots cost $65,000 and replacing one person per shift per day payed for themselves in less than 9 months. But don't feel bad for the people they replaced. The company just didn't replace the people who got themselves fired. Manufacturing in the USA will not survive without robots.
What you do is drop to your knees and thank (insert higher being of choice here) that you have not been subjected to these little monsters. After doing their 'sliding' thing it took more than two days to rid myself of the taste.