Bekka 1's Comments

I caught the very tail end of this on the radio and assumed something horrible had happened, and I come on here and see it was just some kid talking to pilots? Jeez. The child said what the father would've said anyway, the pilots seemed to be aware of what was going on and acted accordingly, I fail to see how this is unprofessional....

It's not like the FAA doesn't have more important things worry about or anything.
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@squiggy, the reason everyone laughs and (for the most part) keeps their mouths clean is because they're well aware of the fact that gag reels are often released.

anywho, this made me giggle quite a bit. it's definitely a new perspective to watch your favorite old-time stars lose their cool.
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"Don’t smell like sunsets and baby powder. Smell like jet fighters and punching." BAHAHAHAHA....

advertising freak that i am, i have to say this is brilliant marketing. by broadly acknowledging the undertones of commercials aimed at men they've created something hysterically funny. bravo.

also, old spice does make you smell manly.
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maybe it's early and i haven't had my coffee, but it kinda makes me want to cry, if only because akira and the like were back when people did one thing, but they did it soooooo well. i'm a such a sucker for anything old school like this.
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you forgot "must...constantly...have...snappy comebacks...must...have...libido...of...a...teenager..."

but still kudos. i had quite the giggle...
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c0ldfish, i would love for you to explain how exactly these girls are going to just "get over" a lifetime of the media screaming into their subconscious that they're not thin enough. talk about unrealistic expectations, sheesh...

that being said, i think this is a nice step in the right direction. people keep talking about how it isn't enough, or they're not doing enough, etc, but i mean, baaaby steps. this is one step towards a better future.
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I wrote this really long comment, and just realized Skipweasel said everything I was thinking. So to the people who think that they'd be "good parents" and make sure their kids didn't cry or whatever. Have a kid or two, your tune's bound to change.
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hilariously cute and....disturbing.

the snookums-snookums thing is entirely awesome.

i wonder how old he is, 'cause he really does have good performance instinct.
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when he got choked up at the end, wow...

i literally had tears rolling down my face. i'm not even old enough to remember him, but his work has influenced my life so much. i mean, i grew up watching sesame street.

gosh. rest in peace, jim.
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first time i took it, i kept forgetting which key was which and i kept accidentally shooting the wrong person!

then my computer froze up. :/

gonna try and take it again...
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