Crudely Wrott's Comments
That was so touching. I almost want to ask him if he'd like to be friends again but there is just too much that can never be reconciled. All I can do is wish peace to the one who left. And never returned.
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Sure it has a head. It's just pulled in as turtles do.
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Well, if it has gained popularity and has earned mention, it must be OK. Me can has some?
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Having been around dogs for a very long time I understand that there is a balance in how to treat them. Lightly, but with authority, like dogs treat each other. But this is a little too light.
Still, I envy the dog. He didn't pay tens of thousands to float.
Grrrrrin. {:-})>
Still, I envy the dog. He didn't pay tens of thousands to float.
Grrrrrin. {:-})>
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And don't forget--Semper ubi sub ubi!
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Cheat, cheat;
Never beat.
Tell a lie
Tell another.
Just lines I remember from childhood that reemerged in adulthood with way more authority.
Oh, yeah! It'll happen to you.
Never beat.
Tell a lie
Tell another.
Just lines I remember from childhood that reemerged in adulthood with way more authority.
Oh, yeah! It'll happen to you.
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Video: clever.
Audio: no apparent connection.
I am no more persuaded to buy a Jeep now than I was before this ad. In fact, because of the disconnect, I may be slightly less persuaded. Typical come on. Yawn.
Audio: no apparent connection.
I am no more persuaded to buy a Jeep now than I was before this ad. In fact, because of the disconnect, I may be slightly less persuaded. Typical come on. Yawn.
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The sheep see the mask as a human face. Not surprising in that the mask represents a human skull. All the holes are in the right places.
See, in a sheep's experience the appearance of a human face most usually immediately precedes the sheep being encouraged to move.
Learned behavior, I'd venture.
See, in a sheep's experience the appearance of a human face most usually immediately precedes the sheep being encouraged to move.
Learned behavior, I'd venture.
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Shades of Heinlein and Bonenstall! The imaginings, the suggestions and the musings of those old science fiction stories are showing remarkable staying power. They are also fulfilling a lifelong dream - that I would live to see at least the first small steps into space being taken not by highly trained specialists but by regular guys, like you and me. For Dr. Hawking to be among the very first not only lends credence to my hope, it is also this:
That diligent study, careful experiment, application of known principles and enthusiasm can combine to create such a wonderful scenario. That Hawking, without muscular control a true slave to gravity, can be seen by all of us to exult in its absence and find a deep invigoration is a fine metaphor to highlight a possible future for all of us.
I exult with Dr. Hawking.
That diligent study, careful experiment, application of known principles and enthusiasm can combine to create such a wonderful scenario. That Hawking, without muscular control a true slave to gravity, can be seen by all of us to exult in its absence and find a deep invigoration is a fine metaphor to highlight a possible future for all of us.
I exult with Dr. Hawking.
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See how easy it is to fool the human brain? No wonder they're having such a tussle in Kansas over teaching science!
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If I ever write a dictionary this would be the illustration for the word "bittersweet".
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This is a no brainer, not a contest. This is simply god admitting a mistake and taking a direct method of correction. Sort of like some people, some groups, some nations are prone to do.
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Relax, folks. My pals and I were making and wearing these back in the seventies with no hassles from the Secret Service. A few evenings of TV viewing while tapping the rim of a dime with a common teaspoon resulted in an eminently wearable fashion statement. Those with larger hands used quarters. Todays composite coins don't work well at all. See, you can do anything at all with money as long as you don't try to alter it AND spend it. Just keep it to yourself or give it away. Try it, it is a satisfying way to spend otherwise wasted time.
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So you have a tall, slab-sided building in a downtown area occupied by more tall buildings of various shapes. You get the bright idea to hang what is essentially a wing over the edge of the building by means of two cables, one at each end. You persuade some guys to take water and squeegees and go stand on the wing, in the wind, while you raise, lower and move the wing around the building until all the windows are clean. Several times a year the failure of this approach makes the evening news. These reports do not cover all such events.
Cables rarely "fail" but attention to detail and sensible work practices often do.
There are better ways and a lot of them still allow guys with water and squeegees to get the job done with a much higher degree of safety. From personal experience I recommend the single bosun's chair with block and tackle.