CE's Comments

Thank you. This video explains a lot behind the geniuses at Neatorama. Good grief. Excuse me while I go "find myself." No wait, that was the 70's. Okay, wait, but I know religion is bad...I think. Um... Okay, some religions are bad like Christianity, but not Hinduism? Isn't that right? Uh...
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Obama is a thug. He runs around with a terrorist that bombed the Pentagon, associates himself with Acorn that is responsible for huge voter fraud, doesn’t feel the need to put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem, wants to “spread the wealth around” in a socialist manner, sat in a church for 20 years listening to a leader spouting, “God-@#$% the USA!”, has a wife that has never been proud of this country until now, and he thinks sticking a pair of scissors into the skull of a newborn baby after it is born is okay in order to protect the “health” of the mother. Obama is a thug. May God have mercy on this country if he is elected. And it ain’t because he’s black because I voted for Alan Keyes in the past.
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It's not web-based, Moon, and it's not two weeks old. Quit drinking the Kool-Aid and stop reading your sad little liberal blogs. BO is pro-abortion and abortion is killing. Obama is a thug.
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Hey Ted,

People have been killing throughout history. That doesn't make it right. Abortion is killing.

Since 1973, it is estimated that over 48 million babies have been aborted in the United States. In 1996 alone, it was over 1.3 million. That’s 3,700 a day.

It never fails to amaze me how upset pro abortionists get about "the pictures". Just pretend they don't exist or that none of them are real and you'll be fine.
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I made a typo. You are correct it is BO at 49% and McCain at 47%. You can see that this is a typo because I had listed this statistic in an earlier post. But, you have admitted that the race is close.

If you don't want to look at pictures of babies that have have been burned or cut-up, don't look at them. If you want to make up some weird fuzzy idea of when life starts to make yourself feel better, go ahead. Pro abortion people don't like seeing these images because they might have to confront their own actions or their own ideas. Abortion is killing.
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And good grief, O Red, could you just put your thoughts in a nutshell? You need your own card catalog number for that post. Gonna call you "El Verboso".
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Once again, I am talking about a Gallup poll for likely traditional voters. Here's the link, again.


Scroll down to the middle of the page and you will see the chart entitled "Gallup Daily Election Polling Results for the General Election" It is dated OCTOBER 13th - 15th, 2008. It shows BO at 47% and McCain at 49% for two days straight.

There is also a new AP/Yahoo poll that shows BO at 42% and McCain at 44%. The race is tightening. Too bad, so sad for you moonbag.
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You can rationalize and trivialize abortions as much as you want. You can talk about rape and inceset, when that is a very small percentage of abortions. You can say that a first or second trimester baby isn't really a baby or that an abortion of that baby isn't as bloody as a baby farther along. Take a look at the pictures in this link.


Some of the babies are very small, but still bloody, still recognizable as humans. Life begins at conception. To stop that life is killing. Pretending that it "isn't that bad" or that it "isn't that big of a deal" or "that they're too tiny anyway" doesn't mean it isn't what it is. Abortion is killing.

"What is taking place in America," she said, "is a war against the child. And if we accept that the mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another." -- Mother Theresa
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