I am a female medical student, and lawsuits like this make me, as well as many fellow students, reconsider becoming a physician. I am offended by the previous comment left by HERSFoudation.org, who seems to think this one story is proof that doctors in general, do not respect women. I personally know this doctor and would trust him with my life. He is an upstanding, well respected, Christian man and would not have done this if he knew that it would be so offensive to the patient. I would ask those disturbed by this story to understand that, from year 1 of medical school, we start off being exposed to so many organs, and you must develop a certain psychological distance to the human body while still maintaining respect for the life it holds. It's a balance, and if sometimes cases like this occur, those who are not in the medical field have to understand that doctors don't, and can't, view organs in the same way that non-medical people might. If we did not, doctors would be destroyed and burned out with each loss, and patients would be left with no one to operate on them. Surgery is a difficult field to convince bright future doctors to go into to begin with. Don't discourage them even more with frivolous lawsuits like these. I am glad to see most of the commenters above realize that this suit lacks a lot of common sense.
I would ask those disturbed by this story to understand that, from year 1 of medical school, we start off being exposed to so many organs, and you must develop a certain psychological distance to the human body while still maintaining respect for the life it holds. It's a balance, and if sometimes cases like this occur, those who are not in the medical field have to understand that doctors don't, and can't, view organs in the same way that non-medical people might. If we did not, doctors would be destroyed and burned out with each loss, and patients would be left with no one to operate on them. Surgery is a difficult field to convince bright future doctors to go into to begin with. Don't discourage them even more with frivolous lawsuits like these. I am glad to see most of the commenters above realize that this suit lacks a lot of common sense.