I left Detroit a year ago and don't plan on returning. You can drive from the east side of Detroit all the way over to the west side of Detroit, a city with an area of 143 sq miles and never see a neighborhood that's not run down. I've lived all over that town and most of it looks like a shithole. Many neighborhoods would be perfect locations for urban reforestry. The places that are nice are few and far between and and are generally only a couple of blocks in size.
Cronyism, thug elected officials who manage to get re-elected and a city council filled with members who aren't required to live in the district they represent contribute to the decay. When neighboring counties have to downplay how close they are to Detroit in order to entice businesses to relocate to the area it indicates a huge problem.
Cronyism, thug elected officials who manage to get re-elected and a city council filled with members who aren't required to live in the district they represent contribute to the decay. When neighboring counties have to downplay how close they are to Detroit in order to entice businesses to relocate to the area it indicates a huge problem.
Hipster or not