J 27's Comments

Yeah, couldn't do that on anything with modern brakes (brake box is unboosted and on the frame) modern steering (shaft is solid tube from the box), or modern electronics (only switch on the frame is the brakes and there are only two wires needed for the engine electrics too). FWIW, on the stock M38a1 the windshield and hood are hinged to come off and the gas tank is under the drivers seat. This one can also have its grille removed

And since they ride like a donkey cart, nobody would notice the lack of body mounts. The engine can't run long without water, but it's tough. It was one of the first engines with positive crankcase pressure (and a pcv valve) that allowed it to run under water (with snorkles).

Good job on the part of the drill team to plan that out and execute it. It's just as cool as flinging a fake rifle around in my opinion

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Toyota commercial with different audio. I saw it last year as a toyota-thon commercial. Others like it include a family pushing a boulder off onto their car and an I-beam dropped onto a truck by the owner.
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Are people still falling for this hydrogen injection crap?! Where does the hydrogen come from? Water. How much energy does take to get the hydrogen from the water? Was this energy factored into the "60 mpg"?

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