Not to mention posting things like this on a blog only encourages this, potentially endangering more animals. Please think before you post - this is not neat or informative and should not get anyone's support.
@LisaL and others: These "unconventional pets" should not be considered pets at all - not only is it dangerous, stupid, and unethical, it's also very illegal in most parts of the world. And videos about these "pets" just give more idiots ideas that jeopardize the lives of many animals. Anyone who owns "unconventional pets" ARE idiots. There is no such thing as a good person that illegally attempts to domesticate a wild animal. People like this should be euthanized.
I hate seeing amateur posts with very little research masquerading as facts on this site. Most things on Neatorama are interesting, but things like this making it to the front page really make this blog less appealing.
These "unconventional pets" should not be considered pets at all - not only is it dangerous, stupid, and unethical, it's also very illegal in most parts of the world. And videos about these "pets" just give more idiots ideas that jeopardize the lives of many animals. Anyone who owns "unconventional pets" ARE idiots. There is no such thing as a good person that illegally attempts to domesticate a wild animal. People like this should be euthanized.