Timm 1's Comments

I don't watch TV, but the little I have seen of O’Reilly leaves me with little doubt that he is in my opinion a self centered, self righteous, son of a bitch.
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And after Galton applied it to the human realm, psychiatry took it one step further and executed 70,000 people as a result of this ignorance.

Though, being the cowardly sort, all the psychiatrists that approved humans for disposal in Nazi Germany blamed Hitler and others for their acts.

Those cowards moved out of Germany and took up roots in America, Britain and other parts of the world and as a result we are left with racism, a climbing rate of crime and illeteray, and other crimes against humanity.
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This is completely amazing! Especially given that schizophrenia is a subjective diagnosis and that there is no biological test to prove its existence. Oh sure there is lots of talk about diseases as the cause of mental illness, but there is no proof - even after 50 years there are no atopsies, blood tests, etc to demonstrate what psychiatrists are saying...
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Criminals suck.

I disagree that HD is going to help cops do their jobs. The doubt the last 50 years of advancing technology has had little effect on the rate at which criminals are caught.
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Anyone who follows the pharamceutical scene knows that the side effects of drugs are potentially more harmfull than the reason they are prescribed.

These researchers and studies are paid for by the pharmaceutical indusry. Big Pharma can and does influence the way the research is done and the results that are concluded. They only care about stock prices and making billions of dollars. They could care less if the drug works or if it significantly contributes to 20,000 new cases of diabetis or the proliferation of suicide/murder cases around the world.

It's all about the almighty dollar to Big Pharma.
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Nope, not a fox news guy. I think Fox is as about as news worthy as any other sensational news agency.

I am not a big fan of news media, and I have first hand witnessed the BBC's lying and unethical news reporting. They lie, they create controversy out of everything and they prey on the misfortune and tragedy of everyone and everything.

Just like all news agencies.

Dipshits like to divide news in to conservative and liberal viewpoints, but the truth is the news media creates controversy out of nothing. Lies are what they sell....
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I've seen the BBC in action. Nothing they broadcast is worth a crap. They will blatantly lie about anything and rely on the fact that the public will not bother to fact check their data or question their methods. The BBC like all news media is not to be rusted...
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