V 2's Comments
Anyone else think that this guy looks fourteen in his picture?
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I don't think anyone should be quoting regular statistics for a day where you're announcing to people that you won't be attending your children. Doesn't this make them a target? I'm all for giving children space... I often take mine to Central Park in New York and let them out of my eye sight. HOWEVER, on a day where sick people know that the children are less likely to be supervised, and keeping in mind that these children have been "over-protected" and possibly have no experience being on their own, I do not think that it would be a good idea to collectively send out your children.
In my opinion.
In my opinion.
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I am not an expert on propane tanks. That being said: What would happen if he fell over or another large impact was made on the tank. Could it explode? Somehow, it doesn't seem safe to me. I could just be over reacting. Anyone know the safety features of propane canisters?
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I feel like I should comment on the fact that the article clearly stated that the "prototype itself is unlikely to become a drug." Are we finished wasting medical research on sexual dysfunction? Isn't there another, more life threatening problem we can be solving?
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Imagine if the Concord was still flying. Those tickets were expensive years and years ago.
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I don't get what everyone is complaining about. I am young and recently graduated from College. I would love the opportunity to work with people in my field who can mentor/provide guidance. An unpaid internship was an UNPAID internship when you signed up for it. If you don't like the way they treated you, go somewhere else! The idea that you would feel stuck in that situation is absurd. I get feeling stuck in a job because you need the money, but if they're abusing you, you obviously don't need that experience. (We know you're not getting money.) A college graduate has many job opportunities available to them. If you want to be paid for your services, work for McDonald's (with a degree, you can probably even be a manager!) People CHOOSE unpaid internships because they don't want to settle for just *any* job. They want the best. That requires sacrifices. (If you choose to make them.)
Raising this issue and comparing it to modern day slavery is wrong. There are women and immigrants that are bought and sold to be prostitutes. They are told they or their family will die if they do not offer themselves as living sex toys to men. This is sick. This is modern day slavery.... A young kid, willing to work for free is not slavery. That is volunteering.
Raising this issue and comparing it to modern day slavery is wrong. There are women and immigrants that are bought and sold to be prostitutes. They are told they or their family will die if they do not offer themselves as living sex toys to men. This is sick. This is modern day slavery.... A young kid, willing to work for free is not slavery. That is volunteering.
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Is this normal behavior? I couldn't tell from the article.
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Wait, I don't get it. I understand estimating how many copies exist in the world, but how can you possibly know how many people didn't even open them. How can you say that it is one of probably only 2 shrink wrapped copies. That is a dumb statement.
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Regardless of whether they are real or not, all these buttons do make me feel good about my life. I feel in control when I can shut the elevator door 2 secs before it would shut anyways.
It is very reassuring.
It is very reassuring.
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People who win the lottery and then find themselves in Financial ruin are not "unlucky." Rather, they are poor stewards of their winnings. Does it surprise you that his family went crazy? This isn't luck, but bad business sense. Now, if he got struck by lightning several times, that is unlucky.
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This is just disturbing.
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"German scientists have been trying to understand why their equipment that measures gravitational waves has been picking up a particular sound."
Noise as referred to by a detector is not necessarily sound. It is irrelevant information picked up from the detector.
Noise as referred to by a detector is not necessarily sound. It is irrelevant information picked up from the detector.
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8 people, 3 hours. Not impressed.
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Brilliant. Very well done. I felt like I was sitting watching the "news."
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Greetings from the year 3000....
[insert less lame joke here, and pretend I made it up]
I concur with Cristophe.