V 2's Comments
None of these are free-- the cost is counted in the price of the room. Most of the Hotels listed are 5 stars and these type of "Perks" are expected. A "complimentary" ride in a Rolls-Royce? Lets not forget that these are the people who flew into the city on their private jet.
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Ok, I get making words out of a phone number, but how hard is it to "Reverse Engineer" a number from a word/phrase? Ha ha. Just look at a phone.
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He returned it to the owner? I'm all for returning lost money, but he deserves that after digging through the poo for it.
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Ok, maybe that was stupid... but the part I can't believe is the lady laughing! The person with questionable decision making skills nearly gets trapped under water in a van, and she just laughs! That is scary. At least the guy doing it has the excuse that he is just too stupid to foresee possible negative outcomes. This lady is just crazy... or on something.
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I'd watch him. He had me at his first line: Hello America, I think we met at Jenine's Party. Or something like that... it was funny.
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It's a small world after all... It's a small world after all.
Sorry, it just had to be sung.
Sorry, it just had to be sung.
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I thought everyone was more up to date with alternative energy and how it works. How is hooking anything up to a solar panel neat? Is it solar math if my calculator has a solar panel?
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"banks created the crisis by snookering homeowners with loans that got them in over their heads."
Seriously? It is people's greed that made them go out and accept (of their own free will) a loan that was far above their means. The desire to keep up appearances has caused many individuals to get into trouble.
I honestly feel bad for those who were living within their means and either lost their jobs. People who bought a bigger house and were tricked into the bigger loan, I don't feel sorry for them.
Seriously? It is people's greed that made them go out and accept (of their own free will) a loan that was far above their means. The desire to keep up appearances has caused many individuals to get into trouble.
I honestly feel bad for those who were living within their means and either lost their jobs. People who bought a bigger house and were tricked into the bigger loan, I don't feel sorry for them.
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I must say that I am quite disappointed with TIME. This list is of a quality I have come to expect from VH1 or MTV, not a Reputable News Magazine. I admit that a large part of the list seemed great at the time, but has since been proven to have many adverse effects; however, the other half of the list is listed simply because the compilers thought the item was ugly/stupid. There is no explanation for how the items were chosen. For as stupid as I personally think that Venetian blind sunglasses are, it has proven a success in popular culture. They weren't trying to cure cataracts. They produced a product they thought people would buy... and the people bought it. That is a successful invention, in my opinion.
This list should be labled: 50 Things from the last century, some really bad and others we just think are stupid
This list should be labled: 50 Things from the last century, some really bad and others we just think are stupid
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I don't know about this specific video, but these waves can be found on structurally unsafe bridges. Like they said, a support was loosened due to flood waters. I'm not an expert on bridges, but I would expect this more on a suspension bridge. Any one know?
I wonder what they guy walking was thinking?
I don't know about this specific video, but these waves can be found on structurally unsafe bridges. Like they said, a support was loosened due to flood waters. I'm not an expert on bridges, but I would expect this more on a suspension bridge. Any one know?
I wonder what they guy walking was thinking?
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I thought this test is very thought provoking. I haven't seen all of the movies, but I've seen most of them listed. They aren't saying that a failure to pass these three questions makes the movie bad, rather that the movie does not show women in an educated role. In some of the movies, the Women characters have strong careers, but yet they only talk to each other about men.
This has started me to think.
This has started me to think.
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I love the lady who didn't even look up until everyone clapped. ha ha.
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Although I don't think that not spending money is that big of an accomplishment, I do understand where she is coming from.
I, too, live in New York City (although on a drastically lower income). The easiest way to spend all your income is in convenience. It is more convenient to raise your hand and have a car just stop and take you to where you're going. Its easy to buy the milk you forgot to get earlier at the deli that charges $10 for something you can get at the grocery store for $2.
Convenience is expensive. It takes planning and coordination to avoid the incidental purchases.
I, too, live in New York City (although on a drastically lower income). The easiest way to spend all your income is in convenience. It is more convenient to raise your hand and have a car just stop and take you to where you're going. Its easy to buy the milk you forgot to get earlier at the deli that charges $10 for something you can get at the grocery store for $2.
Convenience is expensive. It takes planning and coordination to avoid the incidental purchases.
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I forgot about New Jersey (even though I'm currently living in New York City...lol)
I agree that it is too much time. It shouldn't be that difficult to name them. Maybe in a minute. Then, you wouldn't really have time to think.
On a side note, I had difficulty spelling some of those states. ha ha. Geography--I'm not bad; Spelling--forget about it.
I agree that it is too much time. It shouldn't be that difficult to name them. Maybe in a minute. Then, you wouldn't really have time to think.
On a side note, I had difficulty spelling some of those states. ha ha. Geography--I'm not bad; Spelling--forget about it.
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The idea that we, as Americans, need to change over to the European system is pure nonsense. I've traveled extensively, and I've received the worst service in European restaurants. Why give better service if they get paid the same? Why work harder if you're paid the same wage? In addition, often times in the European model, restaurant goers are charged a per person addition to the bill. It just isn't a percentage.
Tip what you want. You should know that your server isn't making that much money hourly. In the state of Georgia, our base pay covers the taxes owed on our income. Rarely do I receive a pay check that has money on it. Everything I make hourly is taken by the government. All I walk with at the end of the day is my tip money. So tip what you want, but know that we work our asses off to provide a service.
As for hosts/delivery drivers/to go/fast food/etc... ask them how much they make an hour and/or how much people typically tip. Most often, they'll answer honestly.
Quite frankly, I'm not going to bring someone that 5th diet coke if I know it won't affect my wage at the end of the day.
If you don't want to tip for food, eat at a restaurant that you don't need to tip. If you are morally opposed to tipping, as some comments seem to indicate, then don't go there. But to make a statement against the system by not tipping your server is to demean the work they do for you.
In conclusion, know this: Serving isn't easy. It is physically draining, and mentally demanding. Not to mention the people skills required. So if your server does a good job to make your experience a good one, reward them... with a generous tip.