East Germans saw bananas once a year at Christmas, and even then it was a rare & expensive treat. They went crazy with delight at the easy availability of "Südfrüchte" after the Wall went down. I was there and saw it. I can't look at this stupid smear without thinking of that. Paint a freakin' wall of bananas of you want one.
If you read the linked articles you'll find the baby is from Samoa, not the sister state American Samoa. Although there is mention that she did receive testing there, she is not an American citizen.
There is a man over on Dunn Street in Smyrna, Georgia who has the same type of display. He raises money for Toys for Tots. If you're in the neighborhood, check it out.
Unity Valkyrie Mitford, one of the famous Mitford sisters was born in Swastika when her parents, later Lord & Lady Redesdale were ther working a mineral claim. She thought this, along with her wagnerian middle name, to be a fateful sign when she developed her crush on Hitler, who used the big blonde model anglo-saxon englishwoman for publicity purposes (and some say other purposes as well). She blew half her brains out in a failed suicide attempt when the war began and lived on pitiably with the mind of a small child. Look up the lives of her and her sisters, each of whom threw herself into some 20th century cause/man with fanaticsm. Interesting bunch.
Look up the lives of her and her sisters, each of whom threw herself into some 20th century cause/man with fanaticsm. Interesting bunch.