brett 6's Comments

peanutie said, "Sad to see people laughing at a dangerous situation."

Christ, your life must be one joyless ball of blah. Comics are considered genius because of their ability to take tragedy and serious situations and find humor in them. This isn't even tragic or serious.
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Animals don't have rights! They cannot make moral decisions and therefore have no rights! Humans do have a right to treat them humanely, and from all indications these donkeys are cared for better than many humans. Animal rights activists are just so upset because when they look into the eyes of these donkeys they see a reflection of themselves.... a big jackass!
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Christ, what a bunch of crybabies. "If that doesn't work we'll move onto caning." Don't be an asshat. First, they have to have parents permission. Second, teachers DO NOT do it. Third, ever notice how the same troublemaking kids are always in detention and ISS? It's because that form of punishment does not work. Notice how this school says behavior problems are at a low and only had to paddle ONE kid? That's because this does work. Get off your high horse. We have created a society where kids live in a bubble with all the protection and walls we build up around them. Dammit I want paddling, I want cribs with sharp edges, I want toys that kids can choke on, I want lawn darts to make a come back, and most of all I want kids to be able to go outside for hours on end playing in the woods or parks without someone calling their parent irresponsible for allowing their kids some independence.
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10- Coke (everyone calls it Coke) 9- over 8- cereal goes first (Never even thought there was another way) 7- about half of it 6- read 5- They had ONE decent song 4- hunt and pecker (almost sounds dirty) 3- don't 2- free time 1- don't
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A good spanking with a belt or switch would've done the trick, but since liberals decided we can't raise our own children anymore, I guess this will have to do. No, it is not child abuse and anyone who thinks it is has never witnessed real child abuse. Parents are not allowed to parent anymore. Yesterday, I was at a restaurant and it was filled with families. All the parents were there to drink beer and let their kids run wild. At one point, in between having kids kick my disabled mother in the back of the ankle for the ninth time and one that kept putting his ass into my father's elbow while he was trying to eat, I witnessed a kid trying to get his father's attention. The father was of course more interested in his beer than his child so eventually the kid reared back as hard as he could and punched dad in the kidney. Hard...really hard. Hard enough to hear it over the roar of all the other drunk parents and misbehaving children. What did the father do? He tilted his head forward, arched his brow, and said EVAN long and drawn out like. What did the kid do? Looked at the father like the jackass he was and went back to being an insufferable brat. Parents have know clue how to discipline their kids these days because everyone is so quick to yell abuse. This mother deserves an award of some sort for coming up with this punishment. Kudos to her.
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