Josh shut your mouth you ignoramus invented in jail? do you really believe that? Isn't it more likely that somebodys pants didnt fit them properly, or do you make a habit of citing homosexuality on things you don't like?
Haha look at how fat this guy is, and hes in the army? thats laughable, obviously he is being pacified with a diet of twinkies funded by the collective will of the proletariat
uhoh, i think the People's Liberation Army Special Operations Forces are knocking at my door ;(
antivirus ad-blocking plugins will do the same
Ill fix that statement to this:
"The young men need to be LIED TO ABOUT where it originated from, which it came from our prisons,"
Every single person on that bus should hand out $5-10 to this business.
invented in jail? do you really believe that? Isn't it more likely that somebodys pants didnt fit them properly, or do you make a habit of citing homosexuality on things you don't like?
uhoh, i think the People's Liberation Army Special Operations Forces are knocking at my door ;(
or its the flying spaghetti monster and his noodly appendages