badhatharry's Comments
A calculator with a "divide by zero" button.
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Not a movie, but at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, there used to be a Dracula show, and Renfield would come out to the audience to take people onstage. I was like five, and that scared the crap out of me. I got up and ran to the other side of the theater when he got near me.
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I made a dog poop shoe at home. In my yard. I had som assistance from my dog. Can I market that?
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"Times I can't remember because I was totally baked, and can't believe somebody let me use a firearm."
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@BLS Yeah, your joke is funny and all, but I just lost a ton of bar bets with this whole "Not the fault of the Jews thing." I now owe so many people so much money.
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@BLS: It's only got 3,000 miles, and those were driven in a straight line, by a little old lady who would drag race on the Bonneville Salt Flats.
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So they're saying it wasn't the Jews?
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I think this is the first time in recorded history that anyone has used the words "Barstow" and "luxurious" to describe the same thing without any hint of sarcasm.
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This isn't new. It's other name is In The Back Of A Hatchback O Rama
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You have failed me for the last time, physics.