It should be pointed out that it isn't regular ol' Olde English 800 that topped the list, but 3.2% OE 800 (regular OE is 5.9%).
The 3.2% (ABW, not ABV) version is a low-alcohol version for some states that have silly alcohol laws, like Minnesota, Kansas and Colorado (probably a small handful of others). I know in those states, grocery/convenience stores can only sell the "three-two brew", and anything over 3.2% can only be sold in licensed (or sometimes state-run) stores.
The 3.2% (ABW, not ABV) version is a low-alcohol version for some states that have silly alcohol laws, like Minnesota, Kansas and Colorado (probably a small handful of others). I know in those states, grocery/convenience stores can only sell the "three-two brew", and anything over 3.2% can only be sold in licensed (or sometimes state-run) stores.