Hans_von_wolfensteinn's Comments

I would completely agree with wteaocb that the justice who allowed this to happen has done everyone a great disservice.

When I read what Scott M. said I was at a loss as to someone feels this is okay and that greed wasn't involved. Especially after the sentence "Since you can never be certain if a stranger's apology means they feel remorse, having a court part them with their money is certainly a good way to make sure they feel some loss and some remorse."
How can anyone say such a thing. Really? Take a good look at what that says. Nobody can ever be certain of how anyone is ever feeling about anything. It isn't any one's place to make sure somebody feels remorse or loss. In this case it sounds like all you want is revenge. It's also a good example of why rampant frivolous lawsuits are such commonplace. I don't mean to be sappy but what ever happened to the concept of forgiveness. It is a terrible accident from the sound of it and I'm sure people are hurt but that doesn't mean you should always pass that hurt on to others. Its rough, but even when people are justified to sue another it shouldn't be taken lightly. This isn't to say that it isn't the best thing to do sometimes (this seems far from it). Perhaps sometimes ones humanity is more important than monetary compensation.

I know this isn't something light. Somebody lost their life perhaps from this event, but she was 87 years old and these sorts of accidents happen all the time (especially with 4 year olds involved). A parent can only do so much.
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@amanda949 It is interesting that your friend says that. It's partly true and they do test helicopters without power to the rotors but in this video it is clearly not the case and your friend should of noticed. Contrary to some of these other commentators most helicopters will not simply plunge straight to the ground without power because there are failsafes built in. The rotors will not stop rotating even with complete power off. It is called autorotation. The rotors will be powered enough by the rushing wind to rotate them sufficient enough for landing. It is more dangerous and you pretty much can only go down but a trained helicopter pilot should know how to land under these conditions. Just like in these videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JqmoWAhv5g

Like others have said it is the framerate that has been matched with the blades and it clearly isn't a toy.
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This made me feel better about the fact that I'm not the only person in the world that pours their milk before the cereal. I pour the milk in a bowl, then pour some cereal a bit at a time. That way it never gets soggy. I actually don't know why everybody does it the other way.
10. pop 9. over 8. Milk 6. read 5. They're okay 4. touch 3. don't 2. I kicked that addiction a while ago 1. I'm kind of ashamed that I got that.
I haven't posted for a long time, just wanted to say how much I love Neatorama. I visit it every day.
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Okay, first off, If this nurse was told not to do something and then she went on to do it, then they have every right to fire her. I also believe that, especially in health care, professionals need to be careful to keep personal things separate from work. I am not arguing with any of that.

The thing that really bothers me here is the unabashed, and offensive things hurled at religious folk. Dale said "Accept that some people don’t believe in magical trolls, fairies, zombies or gods and we don’t want it forced upon us even peripherally by religious sheep". I perfectly accept the fact that some people don't believe in any of that stuff but it should be obvious that you are comparing believing in god to something like magical trolls, that is offensive! I hear of atheist and the like constantly getting offended by anything remotely religious while if something happens the other way around hardly anything is said.
If people could just be a little less sensitive and more polite and considerate to each other than these sorts of things should never show up in the news. I don't want to shove my views on anyone and I have never believed that was right. And don't give me that crap about this being the internets, so throw out your manners. What is this world coming to. I know it won't do anything to ask people to be civil, it won't happen. But if you start spewing this out, it becomes an excuse that you can say whatever you want without any responsibility whatsoever.
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individual greed!? posh. I see plenty of individual greed when it comes to an Obama presidency. How is "redistribution of wealth" right. When we start giving away peoples hard earned money to people who leach off of welfare the American Dream has taken a terrible blow. That is morally wrong. It is going to do awful things to the economy and let people who don't work their way up in life get away with it at the others expense. That to me is pretty greedy on many peoples part. That just asks for class warfare and discrimination. The choice I know that I am for sure making is not voting for Obama. Obama will screw things up even worse than Carter did.
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This is a tragic story. I don't want to argue about gun control and regulation. I just want to thank KC, Mr. Binky, byrd brain, kid_icarus, and scotchdrnkr for standing up against some un-called for stereotyping and ignorant generalizations. I am proud to be an American and I am tired of hearing some of the crap some foreigners spew out about the US. I support the second ammendment and think that people need to be responsible for that power and freedom that we are blessed to have. If only a little more common sense was used.
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