Kartan's Comments

They have carbon dated the rocks. That doesn't help telling us who and when they were put there. This solution is a very real possibility. I've always thought that it might have just been a couple of hundred years old, and was a barn or house.
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No one knows why, but on destructive activity squirrels love to do is peal the insulation off of electrical wires. I guess they think they are debarking a limb to lick the juices. Thousands of attic fires are caused by squirrels every year. Even when they die, their bodies can catch on fire and burn a house down.

The Catapulting squirrels video was funny. Squirrels are just rats with a bushy tail.
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Abraham Lincoln was most likely NOT killed by the bullet. His doctors kept probing his brain with metal rods trying to locate the bullet. The more they probed, the worst he got. The rods were doing 10 times the damage that the bullet ever did.

Many people are alive today with bullets in their brain.
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Each state is responsible for school lunches funded with federal funds. I don't know about California, but most states offer programs for people that can't afford school lunches. The kids end up with free lunch.

In this case, the kids are being punished because of their parents. This is wrong and the DFACS should called. Parents like this should go to jail.
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I love how people get facts wrong. For those who didn't watch the video, (and I knew you didn't want to know the truth), I remember the 70's. After a 30 year cooling period, they were concerned about Global Cooling.

I was there, and I live through it. Junk Science has been around for years. Remember when they thought that cigarettes were good for you? They were looking at flawed data, just like the global warming cult does today.
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I love how the global warming cult followers love to blame mankind. We have been warming since the ice age. Glaciers are melting, and have been for thousands of years. So why is it now man's fault? MONEY!

There is NO money in disproving global warming, but billions in saying the sky is falling. Just a small percentage of scientist preach global warming.
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