Kartan's Comments

Fixed Rate would have prevented this.

NEVER get a loan with a flexible (aka adjustable) payment plan or a balloon payment at the end. When interest goes up, your payment goes way up.

Always ask for FIXED RATE for the term of the loan.
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My first computer was just 12 MHZ with a 30 meg hard drive, 3.5 floppy drive, 1 meg Memory (but you could only use 640K), 4-Color CGA video card and monitor, 2400 baud modem with MS-Dos. It came with a free 9-Pin printer that was just faster than writing. (video above shows a 24 pin)

Everything has improved by about 10,000% in speed and durability. The only thing that hasn't changed must since the early 1990 is Unix/Linx.
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I love it!!!

When I was 18 I moved out right after high school. Today, they remain "children" until they are about 30.

Kick them out at 18 and don't allow them back!
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Like I said, nothing new here..


Here is a list of the absorbents that they carry. Note: Universal means it absorbs any liquid, Oil only means it it doesn't absorb water. If you have a oil / water spill outside, the "Oil only" will pick up the oil and leave the water.


Grainger is just one of thousands of national suppliers.

MIT ripped someone off!
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"questionable meat products"

You are retarded, but I guess you hear that a lot. Spam is NOT questionable meat, it is in fact 100% pork shoulder. Since pork shoulder has more bone than meat, it is hard to sell. So they took the stockpiles of pork should and made a quality product out of it. Sliced and fried to a golden brown goes great with a couple of fried eggs. yum
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