Ann 2's Profile


That looks really nice, in response to the first comment post: it looks like the shelves have no backs so the books in the centre are those on the outside edge.
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Some of you might think it would be hard to pick up the books at the center , but take a closer look , it wont be a prob at all , its in 8 shape.

Anyway , cool bookcase !
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On close inspection it is just as topologically pleasing as it looks at first glance: There is only one shelf. Simon, it does run on both sides of the structure. It runs on the first and third rows*, up a coil, then on the second and fourth rows, and up the other coil back to the beginning of the path.

*regardless of how you number the rows, but I chose top-down and traced the shelf left-right on the closest part for it to go "up" at the coils.
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This is actually two bookshelves. Follow one of the sides and you will see that there are actually 2 sides that are just connected so that if it were to spin like a baggage carousel, you would only ever see half the books, no matter where you stand.
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Hey, this is a great bookshelf design.
I love to see curves in all types of furniture.
Just one problem here - are all the books inside
the loop easily accessible?

Thanks from Tony
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Understood that there are no backs and that the inside books are accessable from the outside, but what if you accidently push one through to the middle and it falls to the floor?
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Mitzi - my question exactly! Thank you for someone finally asking that one. If you push one through, then what? Probably wouldn't be that hard to do accidentally.
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You can see, on the right side of the photo, that the shelves are two books deep. They just put the bindings facing the outside on each side. Four shelves isn't that high, you could just hop over into the loops. Besides how often do you need to reference every book every day? Just put the ones you don't read as much on the insides.
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