60% and I guessed on half. What would happen if the questions all were about post-1950 America? Would recent history questions make more people "American"?
Has anyone ever told her that we're not bound to our names for our entire lifetime? If it's so rough to have a "bad" or "odd" name- then go change it! Singned- Booger Hitler Weaselteats esq.
I went to a Chuck E. Cheese once when I was a kid. The place reeked of pizza, the ratcot (rat+mascot) was threadbare, and all the videogame controls were greasy. Ahhh, the 80's- good times :)
Please, all MacGuyver needed was a swiss army knife, roll of duct tape, and a paperclip- and he could save the world. P.S. Won't that set off all sorts of alarms at the airport (because it's so light and thin that you forgot to leave it at home)? "No officer I'm not a terrorist, I just want feel handy and fifty thousand feet."
I never thought it could happen to me...
B) How long for you to make a Joust cake?