redphone's Comments

I swear I feel like you're following me around the internet sometimes. On a very regular basis, some website I randomly looked at will show up on the site a day or two later.
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I used to watch loads of TV when I was in advertising. Along absorbing every other type of media I could. This habit stuck even after I left advertising though. Looking at media as a whole, it starts to become one big piece of art to me with many different layers to explore.

Anyway, land lady cut off the cable in the spring, and I decided not to put it back up on my own dime. Thought I'd see how well I'd fair without it.

My life and the way I conceptualize some things has definitely changed without the constant exposure to advertising. I find I'm much more susceptible to an ad when I DO come across one now.

Still, now I find myself spending too much time at the computer, surfing and watching tv on it instead. My attention span is nil because of the over load of media choices in one spot.

Personally, I'm going to bring the tv cable back. At least then I did a multitude of other chores and respectable activities while it was on in the background.
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I'd apply this more to pack mentality than a sense of inequity really. The dog consistently receiving the treat is clearly the (scientist)alpha's preferred dog and therefor the one second in line would simply give up until called upon.

In a situation where that dog is alone however, he's the apple of the alpha's eye and thus there's no status rules to worry about.

Just my theory anyway.
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Stopping aid isn't the answer though. At best outside aid is clearly just a very large wad of gauze in a very large bullet hole. It's not helping much, but it's doing something.

With stop-gap measures though, one assumes that the doctors are on the way with solutions.

It seems like stepping in and forcing some change is an obvious step, but if the outside governments aren't doing this, then one must wonder why. There has to be some kind of major road block.
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Like most animals, humans enjoy and thrive under reward systems. It's nice to see it spelled out like that though. I'll admit, I'm suddenly more interested in weight watchers.
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It's actually against the law to lie in an advertisement (or packaging). Often you can catch an imminent "screwing" by paying attention to the wording on a package.

"Buy two and save" is very different from saying "buy two and save X amount of money"

The first is very ambiguous and could just as easily be sayind "buy two and save them on your shelf"

Keep this rule in mind and you'll suddenly catch all sorts of things.
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"Subtle forms of discrimination" *shrug* she's right. Why should we accept all the subtle forms of discrimination too. Black people had to endure all that bullshit for a long time as well.
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