Dru Taylor 1's Comments

See I told you mom! I wasn't just wasting my time on those stupid video games! You might have stunted my intellectual growth! If I would have been able to play more Tetris, I probably wouldn't have had to use spell check in order to write that last line...
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This is actually a new type of turkey that they are experimenting with, the cocaine will eventually dissolve into the turkey in order to counter act the protein tryptophan that is in turkeys. Since the cocaine will slowly dissolves over time, very little will still be present by the time the turkey is cooked and ready to eat. Plus the added benefit is the turkeys are much more active with the cocaine in their systems, so the muscle mass of the turkeys is increasing while the fat content is decreasing. This is providing a greater quantity of meat in each turkey and of a much higher quality. They are going to market it as the turkey that doesn't make you sleepy and it should be arriving in stores in time for next year's Thanksgiving celebration.
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I think that we should give more kids guns even younger than this kid. I mean you learn a lot faster at that age and really it only takes one or two mistakes before a kid will learn what to do and what not to do with a gun. Seriously how often do you hear of people, especially kids, getting killed by guns, it's a rare occurrence.
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@ Miss Cellania, This was a good post, all these downers and complainers are the type of people that are never satisfied, they are always just looking for something better or funnier. They can't even see any entertainment in a clip that only lasts 5 min, while not the funniest thing on the planet it was entertaining. These people probably find someone getting hit in the crotch by a ball, bat, golf club,or something to be the funniest thing.. And for you people spouting off stereotypes... ah never mind, not even going to waste my time, your to ignorant to learn anything anyways, anything I say isn't going to register in that pea sized brain rattling around inside your head. You know the old saying, can't teach a dumb dog tricks(Isn't that the saying?).
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Town should play it up until the twilight thing starts to die down. I'm sure the town could use a little more influx of Tourist dollars, might as well capitalize on it while you can... it's the Capitalist way that we embrace here in America!
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Is this even legal? I don't know of any legal precedent that would allow the decision of a elected official to be decided like this. Kind of defeats the purpose of voting, even if the first vote as a tie.
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Oh I totally forgot that it's fine to physically abuse children as long as the parents give their permission. Maybe we should really start reading those permission slips children bring home from school...... "I'm sorry but you signed the permission slip, it's not our fault you didn't read the small print that said we were going to chain your kids to the wall and whip them till they bleed and pass out. We just wanted to give them a reenactment of the Inquisition that was accurate."
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Nope I'm not a smug bastard, I'm just an a$$ with an opening who knows who my father is... but at least I'm honest about it unlike most people who leave comments on websites. Wait a minute that sounds kind of smug.....oh yeah just refer back to the a$$ part...
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Good, it's about time this happened. Now I don't have to listen to those Smug Bastards that think their Mac's are unable to be infected with viruses or be hacked. I always told them it was because no one really cared about them (their computers and them personally).
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When I saw the title I was expecting the girl to look a little more.....whats the word I'm looking for.....slutty, maybe that's just my association with the word stripper. This girl looked kind of normal not someone who makes their money doing the dirty dollar switch.
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I think these two should be very careful to not ruin their work references as the only job these two might ever have is working for a fast food restaurant. Oh well to late for that, I guess they will just have to go on welfare....sigh.
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