Why would this guy take the time to try and explain Jeremy Bentham to a 5 year old? Did he just want to feel smarter then him or is he just one of those guys that is constantly bringing up philosophers to make everyone think he is smart. I'm sure no matter how he tried to explain it to him, it would be beyond almost every single 5 year old's level of comprehension.
This reminds me of a story a ER nurse told me during my CPR course; a young boy was bitten by a rattlesnake on the leg. So his parents started to take him to the ER but since he was crying due to the snake bite they decided to take him to McDonald's to get a happy meal so he would stop crying. By the time they finally got to the ER it was to late and the venom had all ready made it's way to the kids vital organs. Most people never die from a rattlesnake bite if you get the venom out or get a shot of the anti-venom in a timely manner but because they decided to get their kid a happy meal he died. She also had a great story about the guy who thought hooking up himself to his car battery would counter act the rattlesnake venom... I think you can tell the outcome of that story!
I can see sending one of these to someone as a gift and them thinking it's some sort of spice from the state when it's in that jar. Then they sit down to a delightful dirt rubbed beef brisket.
@Elnots it's not fake it is a jet turbine engine from a helicopter, like Jay Leno's ecojet car neither use thrust to move the cars. Helicopters use jet engines for there power, no ICE could generate enough power or high enough RPM's to generate lift on large helicopters. There are jet engines convert the energy into mechanical energy instead of using thrust like on a plane. The car isn't fake either I have seen the engine bay in pics and there is a jet engine in there, the car was on sale months back. If your argument is about size, there are currently micro jet engines that are power generators that can fit just about anywhere but it is a new technology. There are many cars out there that are powered by thrust from jet engines and rocket motors. There is a 1957 (might be wrong on the year) Bel Air that has a jet engine in it's truck and the motor still up front. The thing is so trick because he closes the trunk and you can't see the jet engine so it looks normal when just driving down the street, it's worth doing a search for.
First these cougars go after young guys in bars and maul them there, now they have taking to going after dogs in peoples homes! Don't these cougars have any shame!
First off, I love the blog. It's simple design makes it much easier to read. Increasing the font size and picture size might take away from it. The only thing I think that would make this blog even better would be a better commenting system. At the very least one that allows you to rely to a comment and have those stacked together for easier reading. When you have a good discussion going on, it gets hard to follow when the person that is the 50th person to comment is replying to the 3rd person who commented, unless you use your browser to search for the person you really have a hard time trying follow whats going on.
Sounds like a scam just to get some press coverage, I mean the kid does go to the Tokyo Institute of Technology. He's probably a video game programmer and is going to come out with his own game soon. This kid has already got more coverage and had more discussions about him then most any of us ever will in our life because of this stupid stunt.
"travelers a taste of home while away"... if I had furniture like that at home, I would need a vacation just to get away from that ugly furniture. Why is he still designing furniture for the 1970's?
I normally like neatorama but this article is the worst article I have ever seen on this site. Most Mac users are delusional with their God complex, mightier than thou mind set about their computers, it's really getting annoying. This story in the cafe proves this, they were even referred to as monks! Walking up to someone and putting down something that they obviously spent a good portion of their income to buy. Those two mac "monks" need to mind their own business. Their time could have been better spent figuring out how not to be such smug bastards instead. Most of the problems that happen to computers is caused because people have no idea what they are doing with them and have no clue how to take care of them, being a computer tech for over 7 years showed me that. Sorry but all electronic and software driven devices will have problems, it is impossible not too. I used to repair both Macs and PCs and they both have the same exact problems, which is usually either faulty components or user stupidity.
@B.M. "Obviously not a real McDonald’s clerk".... still haven't figured out that commercials and TV shows are not real? The people that are seen on TV and movies are called actors. Their job is to perform scenes that are written out for them. Sorry if I ruined it for you, but now you can go back to just spewing hatred about everything else. Honestly if you are the same BM who has commented on here in the past... you need help, professional help and lots of medications.
In Arizona, a few years back, a guy broke into the DEA compound and stole back a ford bronco that was seized when it was busted transporting drugs. They thought that they had found everything in the car as it was thoroughly searched by humans and dogs but apparently there was something still important in it for someone to steal the car back form them.
@number1guy, I totally agree... after I saw her picture I was thinking she should be lucky that she was even able to ever see a man naked. If it wasn't for the article saying she had I daughter, I would doubt she ever did. I think even the sausages had a sigh of relief that they wouldn't have to go anywhere near her anymore. Okay maybe, I got a little mean there but she was putting down another person for being unpleasant to look at. Well I guess the guy touching him self would be a little disturbing....