Rocky 4's Comments

I had something clever all ready to say, but Yay disarmed me entirely.

I also think that ted is right, too.

I remember moms without tattoos and kids who said no to drugs. I guess my sentimentality is getting the better of me.
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No serious geologist or paleontologist would ever consider one or even two meteors what wiped out the dinosaurs. Their genera were shrinking long before the supposed extinction event. What a large enough impact could have done, however, is give the Earth something it never had before--a tilt, which would also lead to winters and at the extremes ice ages.

Meanwhile, I think the pic is gross.
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No, it toally has everything to do with it. Che was explaining that the richer have to pay an extra burden just because they pay more, therefore they felt their "donations" extracted forcibly from their wallets was doing a substantial amount to combat poverty already.

But bad news--even the stats don't gel with this study, either.

"The bracket that pays the least, just 1.5 percent of income to charity, are those who make between $10,000 and $25,000. But they are not the poorest income bracket. Below them are those who earn less than $10,000 a year. But they give more to charity, 3.2 percent of their income. The percentage to charity for other income brackets includes: 3.04 percent for those who earn $25,000 to $50,000, 4.86 percent for those who earn $50,000 to $75,000, and 5.65 percent for those who earn $75,000 to $100,000."

I don't fault the poor for not ponying up more for charity than some that are better off, and I'm certainly not going to delude myself thinking that some obviously flawed study confirms what I want to believe about the world.
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Song parodies are the lowest form of expression, aside from ugly people singing and dancing.

I pledge to shop more at Target whenever I get to the United States.
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He gets hit in thea head a LOT. I saw two videos of him crashing into a glass door and one of him falling off a coffee table. That hairdo of his must be fibreglass.
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Yeah, flagella, I want to really believe you that I'm "wrong" about Daft Punk. DO you really think anyone cares about the Tron movie? Go pop some E and dance until you drop.
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