I actually have a friend who named her son Lincoln Danger Lastname. It was tradition to use a "D" middle name for the firstborn son in her husband's family, and they couldn't agree on one - so used that fun one instead. My husband loves it and wants to use it if our fetus is a boy.
Matt! YES! I thought that too - I actually came here just to see if anyone else noticed that. But I totally agree with you. I'm saying "fake" - since the basketball goes out of frame.
(in the order I found them) 1. Building profile (third from right) 2. "C" in Differences becomes an "O" in second image 3. Man is reversed 4. Number of sidewalk segments different 5. Tree shadow is missing in second image
I had this done too! It's called ICL (at least where I am) and it's fantastic for people who aren't candidates for Lasik due to thin corneas and other reasons.
Hmmm...I would have totally gone with a ballot box as well. It's perfect for one...locked from the outside, with the ballot stuffer sitting in the ballot hole. But he says it's not....
You should probably know that those suits were made as a joke - one of the guys is a tailor and he made them to scare his wife. :)
(in the order I found them)
1. Building profile (third from right)
2. "C" in Differences becomes an "O" in second image
3. Man is reversed
4. Number of sidewalk segments different
5. Tree shadow is missing in second image
Is it something with money?