zeytoun's Comments

Saying or writing "N-word" is pretty lame, IMHO.

The reader or listener hears the actual word in their head, so it has a similar effect to saying the actual word. But, at the same time, you're not really saying it, so you get a "free pass" to repeat it several times without getting any flak for it.

Say "nigger" and accept responsibility for the shock and offense that choosing to say it creates, or don't say it at all.
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Yeah. It doesn't cancel out. The cyclist was being an idiot and a jerk. If he's going to play messenger and salmon up the street, he at least needs to have the reflexes to avoid a pedestrian.

Instead, he has a full 3 seconds to maneuver around the guy (which is way easier to do on a bike, than in a car). But nope, he hits him, and tries to play it off as a no-fault situation.

Jaywalking was a much lesser offense. And frankly, the jaywalker, who was looking for traffic coming in the other direction, didn't steal someone else's right-of-way (because you don't have right-of-way when you're going the wrong direction).
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lol, it's pretty hilarious when people talk about how they want their science devoid of imagination... because it's such a dumb notion.

If every random idea or wanderings of imagination were stamped down for reasons of practicality, we wouldn't have made an iota of the technological progress we have made.

If anything, it's the "practical" applications of science that are really doing the most damage, as those are the aspects most quickly exploited by huge corporations in search of a profit, at the expense of the environment and/or public health.
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"The first Christians were called Atheists; yet they believed in God: the last Christians are called Theists; yet they believe not in God. So the first Freethinkers were called Atheists; yet they believed in NO-GOD: and the last Freethinkers will be called Theists; for they will believe not in NO-GOD."
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I would say there is ONE good thing about AA and other 12-steps: having a person that you can choose to call, if you need support.

I would also posit that the onus is on AA to demonstrate effectiveness. Which it hasn't.

In general, if you talk about the lack effectiveness in a system to a believer in that system, the standard response is to say that those who failed 'weren't doing it right'. Until it becomes a tautological absurdity, where those who succeed were, by definition, the only ones doing it right.

While it certainly creates a lot of extra problems, substance abuse, imho, is more of a symptom than a root cause.
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I'm with John and Brickhouse. Looks like he took some samples and digitized it. It looks like only a handful of different 'lit candle' images that he recycles.

Funny how the lit candles don't cast any shadows either...

Compare it to Barking Bud's video, which is completely different. The candles, shadows, and lights, all vary with the expected wiggles and flickers.
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I like the brevity of the final message. Email is good for that style. Aside from a quick 'thanks!' at the end, most of the flourishes detract.

Save the chatty social graces for in person, when sincerity can be measured first-hand.
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Very cool designs.

Still, it's pretty hard to improve on a vehicle that:
-is the most efficient form of land travel (at the equivalent of 500-1000 mpg)
-when set up and tuned properly, achieves about 95-98% efficiency of energy transfer
-costs only a couple days' wages, and is easy to maintain
-extends the life expectancy of the user

Unfortunately, many of the designs sacrifice some of those benefits, in favor of weirdness.
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I plugged in a mac mini into my LCD tv, and I watch 90% of my stuff via it. I have Netflix on demand, I got rid of cable, I use Hulu.

It's cheaper and easier.

It's just been waiting for home internet to be fast enough, and for content to be released online.
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??? Nope

There are approximately 6.24 × 10^21 cups of water in the oceans.

(6,240,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 6.24 sextillion)

There are estimated 10^22 to 10^24 stars in the universe.

(100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 100 sextillion to 10 septillian)

Not infinite. Even if we don't know the exact quantity, we do know for a fact that there is a number and a limit. Infinite is not indefinite.
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