JBSpesh's Comments

Something that the author of that piece needs to learn.

Some bikes just make you look gay. Not of course that there's anything wrong with being gay, but like a gay friend of mine said "the last thing I want to look like is a middle aged queer." A production cruiser or anything that resembles one? Gay. So that Rocket III? Gay.

Anything covered in plastic makes you look like you're going through a mid life crisis. It's just like driving some hi-tech japenese car such a Nissan GTR or Mitsubishi Evo. Or, of course, anything with a Porsche badge. The prime example on this list: MV Augusta.

A real man's bike must be simple. It needn't be fast, complex or expensive - although being any of those things doesn't necessarily preclude a bike from being manly. The one important thing about a manly bike is that it shouldn't major on image. It's a matter of cool. Cool people are cool because they don't care what other people think. If you're a real man you're cool, it's part of the package. So any of those bikes that major on image are not for the real man.

The odd thing is that sometimes you have to spend a lot of money to avoid image. Just look at that Deus. It's just a basic, straight forward, old fashioned cafe racer. Cool. Manly. Period.
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Leetspeak? Don't be a twat. People have been users to spell things out for decades.

Oh and MORON? Why is he a moron? I'm sure you've got lots of things that many would consider a waste of money. The point is that we earn our own money and if what we spend it on makes us happy then we are successful. Who, really, gives a shit what anybody else thinks.
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This makes a good point about cultural references on the internet. So much material posted on the internet makes the assumption that readers have the same cultural references as the poster. All over the world people are reading this and thinking "Who's Waldo?".
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Every few years we are presented with one of these youthful guitar prodigies and none of them have gone on to be high earning, successful or famous professional musicians. Why would that be? Because their "talent" is purely mechanical.

Classical musicians simply learn to play their instruments, they are craftsmen and women. Their job is mainly in replicating what somebody wrote. Solo musicians in the field of rock and jazz and the like have to be creative masters of their instrument. They are artists.
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OK, but why oranges in particular? By the time I got to the last picture I could think of loads of things in my house to use to make the candle without wasting a perfectly good orange.
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Yet another case of (almost literally) reinventing the wheel. Bike transmissions have been pretty much the same for over a hundred years, bar a little gradual refinement. That's because they work.

Even if this is a great idea it's going to take a lot of refinement before it gets to be as good as a chain drive.
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Yes, it's an ad, and ads like this are generally not successful. The main reason for this is that, while most people find them funny the first time, by the third time you see it it's irritating. After a dozen viewings it's gone way beyond irritating. This will *not* encourage anybody to buy a product.

@Natey the negative posts above are not, I suspect, because the posters don't find the material amusing. The posters were probably so negative because the neatopost implied the footage was genuine. That's where the letdown comes from. If you saw it on a comedy sketch show you'd laugh, if somebody presented it as factual you'd be disapointed that it was so obviously fake.
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Wow, the autpak is a dumb idea. Replacing electricity with internal combustion power? What's the point. It would be easy to do with human power with a large screw press. Except of course that the screw press is not a new idea.
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So they just invented the trolleybus then. Oh no, wait, I think somebody may have thought of this before. Like 100 years before.

Welcome to Neatorama 1910!
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