Kryptonian's Comments

This is definitely neat, but how great would it have been if it had captured something like a pick-pocket in action or someone tripping, or a game of hackey-sack? Definitely has potential for an incredibly cool short film.
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Re: the rage over the lack of steam in some "steampunk" -- what else would you call it? Tesla-punk? Static-punk? Waterwheel-punk? There were other means of powering devices in the Victorian age, yeah? Steam is cool, but not the only thing.
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Basically, it's just a bunch of people doing stupid pointless stuff and demonstrating how empty their lives and minds are, and the voice is obnoxious as hell. The bit where they started folding the shirts, though, had potential. What if someone used a flash mob to actually ACCOMPLISH something? Or would that be too boring for these mush-heads to participate in?
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