Nikki, japanese (especially in the coastal regions) live longer because their diet is based on fresh fish and cereal grains. There are some small villages even here in Italy where the presence of centenarians is relevant. Guess what their diet is like?
"Torti" in italian means "twisted" (physically, FE "twisted like a rag doll") and "faults" (FE "it was due to her faults"). Nomen Omen strikes again. Shyamalan should make a couple of movies about this stuff..
I love my language enough to mock those purists. How am i supposed to call an hamburger? The only italian word for it is "svizzera" (referred to the meat patty, not the whole sandwich), that means "swiss". It mantains some sort of exotic appeal, but doesn't work as well as "hamburger"(it seems like the way you spell it resembles the way you eat it, or maybe i'm just hungry..).
kidnapped some children.."
And Jacko wants them all back.
(physically, FE "twisted like a rag doll")
and "faults" (FE "it was due to her faults").
Nomen Omen strikes again.
Shyamalan should make a couple of movies
about this stuff..
"Son, we were expecting Eva Brown,
not that brown Eva"
That creature will rule the world.
Italian pizza with Serbian balls?
I'm so proud of this cultural exchange.
it depicts the "unicorn" roe deer found in
the natural reserve of Prato (in Tuscany)
three months ago.
How am i supposed to call an hamburger?
The only italian word for it is "svizzera"
(referred to the meat patty, not the whole sandwich),
that means "swiss".
It mantains some sort of exotic appeal, but doesn't
work as well as "hamburger"(it seems like the way
you spell it resembles the way you eat it, or maybe
i'm just hungry..).
"Follow me, kids!".